A classic carrot cake Ninja Creami frozen dessert… just in time for Easter! Happy Spring, everyone. Are you looking forward to the upcoming flavors?! I...
The Bob Marley Bowl is my go-to satisfying meal! It’s ridiculously simple to make but the flavors are unbelievably complex. Not to mention the nutrition?...
Five-Hour-Fullness Oats are the cure for insatiable appetites! Feel full and satisfied (note the difference,) until lunch without any morning munchies. Sorry, the pictures are...
Hip Chip Dip: Mind-Boggling Guacamole. Okay, who put steroids in the guac?! Why is it so addictive? How am I able to shovel so much...
Here is THHF’s Smoothie Color Cheat Sheet! This is the ultimate guide to coloring smoothies and shakes (the difference is debatable.) Whip out your artist’s...
A POMEGRANATE ALMOND GINGER SMOOTHIE! Or Pome-granita, if you will. It’s zippy and pippy! My most embarrassing flaw is that I always spell pomegranate wrong....