🌿THE HIPPIE HAPPY FOODIST: Not Your Cookie Cutter Recipe Blog!

Chocolate Quinoa Doughnuts

These chocolate quinoa doughnuts are minimalistic, wholesome, and easy! They are gluten-free, nut-free, vegan, and contain no added sugar or sweeteners! Nothing weird here:) And yes, I spell “doughnut” the correct way. 

Looking for an indulgent-tasting breakfast pastry that offers numerous health benefits? You’ve arrived. It’ll only take you a half hour and a literal handful of ingredients. This recipe came about after a batch of failed quinoa. Unsatisfied with the grain’s stickiness, I turned to madness for salvation. Armed with an army of brown bananas and some bunker prep staples, these chocolate quinoa doughnuts were born. Perfection! It’s amazing what a girl who’s desperate to prevent food waste can do. Usually, I add extra sweetener, but these didn’t need any! The bananas were plenty.

I actually tried to make it pretty! That’s how you know I was excited;)

Chocolate Quinoa Doughnuts

Yield: 6 doughnuts (maybe 5, if you have a larger pan.)

  • 1.5 ultra-ripe bananas (170g)
  • 3/4 cup cooked and cooled quinoa (160g)
  • 1/4 cup quick oats (20g)
  • 3 tbsp cocoa powder (15g)
  • 3/4 tsp baking powder
  • For flavor: 1/2 tsp vanilla, cinnamon, and a generous sprinkle of salt
  1. Preheat oven to 350F so it’s ready to rock ‘n’ roll.
  2. Mash those bananas real good. This is your only liquid, so use your muscles and a strong fork.
  3. Stir in the quinoa until well-blended.
  4. Then, add the remaining ingredients and mix until it looks like a nutty brownie batter.
  5. Spoon into the doughnut molds and spread the tops. Bake for 20 minutes, and cool for 10+ minutes.

These are amazing warm or cold! I couldn’t resist one right after the necessary cooling period. They are so moist! Flavors develop overnight, making these doughnuts ideal for meal prep.

Store the chocolate quinoa doughnuts in a baggie and grab ‘n’ go!

Of course, my mind went to sweet before savory. But I used the rest of the sticky quinoa to make some parsley patties.

What’s your favorite whole grain? My soul is sold to oats, quinoa, and buckwheat.

Drop any questions or answers below!

Best Dishes,

The Hippie Happy Foodistâ„¢

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The Hippie Happy Foodist